An Invitation to our Priests

Friends, this is an invitation to our active and retired priests of all rank and order, active and retired deacons as well as religious sisters and brothers active and retired. Too often we, the faithful, hear all the “bad” news. It’s very interesting to read, at least for me, but I’m getting tired of it. Nothing seems to happen to stop the constant flow of progressively worse news every day and nothing significant seems to be happening to reverse the negative trends. We need good leadership and caring pastors.

So, as I am trying to do with this blog, again invite the “good” priests, deacons, religious to share their views. We want to hear some solutions to improve our church. We want our leaders to understand our pain, our confusion, our disappointments and our anger.

Please pass this blog site along to fellow priests, friends and family. Lets get a conversation going between the “good people and the good priests”. I also invite anyone to become a “guest blogger” Please send your articles to me at If appropriate, I will publish for you and invite comments from fellow subscribers. God Bless, DrNick

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